Please Use Other Footpath

Are there too many people in central London?

illustration of London architecture

illustration of London architecture

This new image was inspired by that feeling I get sometimes when London isn't quite as fun as it should be. All it takes is a stuffy tube ride, a cancelled train home, feeling travel sick on the bus, etc. and even the most loyal Londoner thinks it might be healthier to live by a babbling river in the Oxfordshire countryside. This is not peculiar to Londoners, I'm sure. All modern (and historical) city dwellers have bad days when they wished they had the streets to themselves.

The apparent onslaught of quickly built skyscrapers is due to arrive any week now, if you believe what you read. We may all like the shining pinnacles when they are complete, but I think it is a genuine worry for people. They don't seem to be for anyone other than rich corporate boardroom goers. Architecturally, it could end up as a pissing contest - my urban erection is bigger than yours!

However, despite all this, my image ended up being quite pretty with a low sun, dramatic shadows and warm colours. Hopefully it bodes well for the future: even glass and steel can look attractive in the right light. I call it 'Please Use Other Footpath'.

Pick and Mix People

A combined post, methinks: incorporating a couple of different but both figure-based images.

Tattoo 123

illustration of the backs of three nude women

illustration of the backs of three nude women

I felt that I should do something with the life drawings I've been producing in the last year. This was one of my favourites -  the back of a woman drawn with a charcoal pencil. To liven things up, and to create interest, I've added scans of some old textured paper and experimented with colour. So many people have tattoos these days, so I tried to think of unlikely subjects for a back 'stencil'. There are a few hints of consumerism, London life, ageing, and the labelling/branding of people within this if you look.

Regent's Park Sketch

sketch of people in a park

sketch of people in a park


I had a Saturday afternoon to myself the other day, so on a scorching June day I headed up to Regent's Park, north London for some people watching. I found a friendly bench, plugged into a BBC Radio 4 Ray Bradbury drama, and relaxed. Actually, it was a bit too warm for concerted drawing, so I only managed this page of my sketchbook. The main problem was that except for the woman sitting on the floor, everyone else was moving. I had a few seconds to choose them, take a mental photo and start drawing. The little dog with the ball was definitely the hardest of all! At one point, a little group of rowdy 11 year olds bounded over asking what I was drawing. Comments ranged from "Are you an artist??", "How do you do that? Are you just looking and drawing it?" to a chorus of "That is sick!": sick being the current word for cool / good / well bad / ace / top / skill depending on how old you are, reader.