Something For Everyone

Seeing as I've been slack on posting here, recently, here's a jumble of bits and bobs. There's no particular way of grouping these finds and images: it's just a digital pile of goodies to rummage through. In an effort to garner some more viewers, though, this will be arranged into Buzzfeed-esque numbered list.


drawing of a Mermaid Court, London

drawing of a Mermaid Court, London

Mermaid Court, London SE1. Inspired by a photo I took on my phone, I created a little birthday card for someone. She liked it, but was desperate to find a meaning in the arrangement of people, bollards and road markings. Any interpretations welcome. 

The Past on Glass (i). I've recently started doing some volunteer work with the archives department at Sutton Library, to help digitise their collection of glass negatives. Here are four images of Edwardian ladies that I thought looked intriguing (and quite modern).

illustration of man drawing

illustration of man drawing

Expression Through Drawing. In an effort to show what is inside my head, and how drawing helps it come out, here's a new illustration. Oil, pencil and photoshop.

pastel drawing of a nude woman

pastel drawing of a nude woman

A Return To Life Drawing. I found a new untutored session in Croydon at Matthews Yard. I've only been once, but it's good to be back.

illustration of Balham High Road

illustration of Balham High Road

Balham High Road. I started this image last summer, but have only managed to complete it recently. I think the day that I shared it on Twitter, I was asked by Mimi's Artworks (81 Balham High Road, London SW12 9AP) if they could sell it in their gallery as prints. The lesson I've learnt is: finish every piece of work. You never know.

Look what's just arrived signed prints by #Mattbannister next stage framing and displaying

— Mimi's Artworks (@mimivanger) April 17, 2015

Here it is again pride of place in the front of the window — Mimi's Artworks (@mimivanger) April 21, 2015

Buses on Film

To help promote the forthcoming auction of all the TFL Year of The Bus sculptures for charity, I've created a couple of enhanced 'slide shows' (with a bit of new footage) for each of my vehicles.

Surrey Street Market from Matt Bannister on Vimeo.

For more details of the auction, visit the i-Bidder online site. The proceeds from all the sales of the buses (all sixty of them, not just mine) will go to Kids CompanyTransaid and London Transport Museum.